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TIPS for completing offers/surveys
- Use REAL information. Using fake names, addresses etc. will result in companies picking up on this and not providing credit for the offer/survey you completed.
- Accepting Cookies: This is very important. Cookies are small files that are sent to your computer by the websites that you visit. They follow what you do on those websites, and in this case, report back to the advertiser's server when you have completed an offer. So if your computer does not allow cookies to function, the advertiser does not know when you have completed the offer. The first thing you should do is check the privacy settings in Internet Explorer. Click Tools, then Internet Options, then the Privacy tab. You should see a slider bar. Drag the slider bar so it displays Accept All Cookies as your privacy setting. Then click the Advanced tab and UNCHECK "Override automatic cookie handling", if it is checked. For Firefox, select Tools ---> Options ---> Privacy ---> Cookies, then check "Allow sites to set Cookies"
Use different valid e-mail addresses. Some companies don't credit for more than 1 of their surveys unless you have used a different e-mail address. You can use the same e-mail if you're doing offers from several different companies, but if you do more than 1 from a specific company, it is good to use different e-mails.
- Clear your cookies between offers/surveys.
To do this, in IE go to Tools ---> Internet Options ---> Delete ---> Delete cookies.
In Firefox, go to Tools ---> Options ---> Cookies ---> Clear Cookies Now